My Page About Who Knows What

So I'm just starting out at this whole blogging thing. My favorite teacher recommended it. I mainly need a journal, somewhere to put my thought, ideas, poems, and to vent. So here I am.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Karma, It happens.

So... Baby Daddy #2 thought he was so smart calling social services on me, but I bet he didn't count on getting hauled off to jail for drug paraphernalia possession the same night.  I just laughed.  It was too funny.  His parole hearing was today and he is definitely going back to prison, which means for the next year or so I will be able to sleep a little bit better.

I'm so excited that this happened right before finals, because the way  things were going, I honestly don't know if I could have even concentrated enough to do any kind of good on any of the papers or tests I have coming up. Well I guess Karma really can be a person's best friend, or their worst enemy, I guess it just depends on which end of the rope you are on!


  1. I don't know how I didn't know you had started a blog! Good for you! I am "following" you now, so I can stay caught up in your saga! Merry Christmas!
