So... I have been going 50/50 trying to let Baby Daddy #2 see his kids, even though he is the one who abandoned them when Daegan was 7 months old and I was pregnant with Evie. Tell me that I was doing the right thing by letting him have a part in their lives. I thought I was doing the right thing. On Nov. 30th it was a hard day for me, it was my son Tyce's birthday. He would have been 4 years old. Instead of grieving over my lost son, me and Chris got into a fight and I broke down. He doesn't quite understand what I go through in those situations.
To top it off, on his birthday I get a call from a guy at the police department stating that he was with social services and wanted to come over and view Daegan. Not Victoria, not Evie, only Daegan. Apparantly Baby Daddy #2 thought it would be an awesome idea to turn me in, saying he suspected I was beating me son. Seriously.. me... beating my son. I can barely discipline these kids. I hate... absolutely HATE physical punishment of any kind. Since he had some bruises on his legs that apparantly meant I was beating him...
Well Mr. Baby Daddy #2... if you wouldn't have abandoned your son you would know what all his sensory integration disorder entails. My son bangs his head every night while going to sleep, he does it in his sleep in the middle of the night, he does it when he gets mad, he does it when he feels out of control. He doesn't quite feel pain like other kids, so he tends to be more rough and doesn't easily learn from getting hurt, because he doesn't.
I have come to the conclusion that I hate Baby Daddy #2 and there is no coming back from this one. I feel like his place is to be in hell, or back in prison, whichever would be worse on him. I honestly want to know what he is trying to do. I think he has messed up these kids' lives enough. F**k him. That's right I said it.
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