My Page About Who Knows What

So I'm just starting out at this whole blogging thing. My favorite teacher recommended it. I mainly need a journal, somewhere to put my thought, ideas, poems, and to vent. So here I am.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


So we finally got our pumpkins done!! It took a total of about 5 hours but they are done.  I wanted to do two. I had plans to do two, but since I prepped everyone else's I got a late start on mine and Chris ended up taking over my Mario :( pooey.  Oh well.

Victoria's Ariel-She did VERY well for 6 yrs old! Last year she needed a lot of help and now she didn't need hardly any!
Then Chris did his cool ghost/zombie monster.  I happened to pick out this patter btw.....
Then I had just gotten my Mario prepped and Chris offered persistently that he would do it :( Mario was one of the easiest ones and I was excited to do it for my son Daegan- my little video game freak!
 Well, since that left me with my last pumpkin I did Chucky! My son's other favorite character. He is my little horror film fanatic!! The kid is obsessed!
So these are our pumpkins for Halloween of 2011. I hope no one smashes them and even though we live on a low traffic road I hope they can get in a couple days of appreciation!!


  1. LOVE your work! Thanks for sharing. I wonder when pumpkin carving originated and why? Interesting, isn't it?

    Happy Halloween!


  2. Hey there, visiting you from Elizabeth's site. Happy Halloween! I love the pumpkins...excellent! :)

  3. thank you both for the compliments. They took so long to do and only had a day of appreciation so it's nice to get some here too!
